WilTec Solutions provides PMI Gun Rentals Perth.
Handheld pXRF Analyzers can & have also be used for Positive Material Identification or PMI.
Positive Material Identification with pXRF is used to identify grades of material for various reasons. Theses include reverse engineering, alteration or replacement of machinery parts, or overcoming the issues of receiving a non-traceable material or being forced to use a substitute material.
In most cases XRF provides Engineers sufficient data to enable a reasonably reliable estimate of the material type. Be aware that this method cannot detect carbon and so it should not be the sole analysis to be used to select materials for applications where the material’s strength is critical.
XRF is therefore a simple non-destructive testing NDT method, but should only be relied upon as the sole testing method for metallic machinery parts.
For a more detailed steel material identification, please refer to a full chemical Laboratory analysis & supplementary mechanical strength tests should be performed.