With long turn-around times from Major minerals labs in this post-COVID economy, it is more important than ever for minerals exploration teams to obtain the best GeoChem data for their geological modelling, such as mentioned here...
Positive Material Identification PMI
WilTec Solutions provides PMI Gun Rentals Perth. Handheld pXRF Analyzers can & have also be used for Positive Material Identification or PMI. Positive Material Identification with pXRF is used to identify grades of material for various reasons. Theses include...
2 Ways to think about Accuracy & Precision when using your handheld XRF
Quite a few of our customers have commented on how their handheld pXRF can “test the same sample multiple times, and get a slightly different answer each time”. Stepping back from XRF technology specifically, having some knowledge of the formal terms used around...
Wiltec Solutions – XRF Rentals and Analyzer Test Stands
Hi There! As you’ve no doubt gathered from looking at this website, we are a Perth based business, specializing in custom designed XRF (X-ray fluorescence) analyser accessories and sample prep equipment for GeoChem assay in the mining/mineral exploration industry. ...
A Space To Answer Any Question About Our Products And Services
Hi There! As you’ve no doubt gathered from looking at this website, we are a Perth based business, specializing in custom designed XRF (X-ray fluorescence) analyser accessories and sample prep equipment for GeoChem assay in the mining/mineral exploration industry. Our...