Wiltec Solutions – XRF Rentals and Analyzer Test Stands

Nov 3, 2022 | Blog

Hi There!

As you’ve no doubt gathered from looking at this website, we are a Perth based business, specializing in custom designed XRF (X-ray fluorescence) analyser accessories and sample prep equipment for GeoChem assay in the mining/mineral exploration industry.  Our main product is an XRF Analyzer test stand capable of loading up multiple samples at once…

XRF Analyzer Test Stand
We also offer pXRF rentals, including the Hi-Spec Vanta VMR.

This blog will contain updates about our business, testimonials from our valued customers; and any technical thoughts or ideas we come across in the XRF space.

We will also use this space to answer any FAQ’s about our products and services, and also some generic information about XRF accuracy vs precision, XRF analysis, GeoChem sample prep for handheld XRF.


The WilTec Team.